2022 06 05 posting - Canadian Automotive Museum, May 29, 2022 - Antique Cars - Collector Car Canada
2022 06 05 posting – Canadian Automotive Museum, May 29, 2022 – Antique Cars
1965 Amphicar Model 770

1965 Amphicar Model 770 – Is it a boat?  Is it a car?  It’s both… it’s the Amphicar!



2022 06 05 posting – Canadian Automotive Museum, May 29, 2022

It is Sunday, a good museum day.  In connection with our recent outing with OJOA – the Ontario Jaguar Owners Association – we visited the Canadian Automotive Museum in Oshawa, Ontario.  While not particularly impressive from the outside, it definitely punches above its weight.  We wished we had more time to explore and read about the prodigious exhibits, but there were Jaguars to see that day.  Here is a taste of what we saw.  When in Oshawa or its surrounding area, we do recommend a visit.

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1931 Alfa Romeo 6C 1750

1931 Alfa Romeo 6C 1750 – so different from the Alfa we sold recently!

1975 Bricklin SV-1

1975 Bricklin SV-1 – manufactured in New Brunswick.  Study up on the story of this one!

Lightning McQueen


One for the kids – Lightning McQueen, of “CARS” movie fame

(For the photos in the gallery below, please click to enlarge.)

Let Us Know What You Think…  post a comment!  Can anyone pick out a model year or other detail we don’t have?  What is your favourite?

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Pretty cool stuff. I have to go with 1908 McLaughlin . I’ve never seen one in person. Would you believe I grew up just on the oshawa outskirts, worked at GM’s old stamping plant and the assembly plant and still haven’t set foot in that museum ! Thanks for the tour

The 770 was more like a 660 as it was closer to 6 knots and 60 mph. Another interesting thing was many had triumph engines which was different for a German car.

That museum has improved greatly over the last 20 or so years. It was getting quite run down but I can see it is much brighter and cleaner since the last time I was there. Some vigorous fund raising must have played a part.
They really have some exceptional automobiles in there!
It was a “coin toss” at first for my 1st choice… the 3 litre Bentley or the 1750 Alfa Romeo.
Just before tossing the coin, my heart demanded…. Alfa Romeo! 🙂