2023 10 14 posting British Car Day by the Toronto Triumph Club, held September 17, 2023 - Collector Car Canada
2023 10 14 posting British Car Day by the Toronto Triumph Club, held September 17, 2023
1935 Speedex

1935 Speedex

2023 10 14 posting British Car Day by the Toronto Triumph Club, held September 17, 2023

With the booth we’ll have at the Rockton British Car Show and Swap Meet tomorrow (to some of you:  see you there!), we thought we would re-visit British Car Day last month, where we also had a booth.  An annual event organized by the Toronto Triumph Club, this is one of the biggest events we attend every year – easily 1,000 cars by our estimation.  It is held at Bronte Creek Provincial Park in Burlington, On.  With staffing the booth and chatting with attendees, it is difficult to get lots and lots of photos but here are a few we snapped.  What do you think – some beauties, eh?  Enjoy the gallery!

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Loved that DeLorean shot! Very clever.